New Photos of Lestes sponsa Added

The males of the two species Lestes dryas and Lestes sponsa look very much alike. Therefore I find it a bit difficult to distinguishing the two in the field, and it is not until I look at the photos I am able to clearly identify the species. So…

New Photos of Aeshna viridis Added

Not so long ago, I discovered that there actually is a lake very close to where I live, which is the habitat of the relatively rare species Aeshna viridis. So during the past week I have visited this location almost everyday on my way home from…

Gallery Updated With New Photos of Anax imperator

While hunting for Aeshna viridis at a local lake, I had the opportunity to shoot some photos of the Anax imperator. One of the specimens where missing a wing completely but it did not seem to have much impact on its flying abilities.

Photos of New Species Added to the Gallery

It does not happen often anymore that I am adding photos of a new species to the gallery. Not because I already have photographed all the Danish species of Odonata. Actually, out of the 69 species listed here on there are still 29…

New Photos of Sympetrum flaveolum

For a long time I have only had one not very good photo of the Sympetrum flaveolum. Even though it should be a relatively common species in Denmark, I have not spotted it at any of the locations I have visited during the last 2 to 3 years. Then…