First Sight of Gomphus Vulgatissimus This Year
Left work early yesterday and drove to a location close to the town of Gammel Rye. I have been fortunate to observe Gomphus vulgatissimus here several years in a row. Last year though, I only spotted one single specimen the entire season due…
Warm Spring Week
The first weeks of May were very warm and sunny, almost like summer. Optimal conditions for dragonfly hunting, so I was of course out with my camera several times.
More species had now emerged at Rands Fjord. I spotted and photographed several…
More Photos of Pyrrhosoma nymphula Added
Another warm spring day in Denmark, and another day out hunting dragonflies for me.
Visited several local lakes today, hoping to find Pyrrhosoma nymphula and maybe also Cordulia aenea and Brachytron pratense. It is however still early in…
Dragonfly Season 2016 Started
After a long, wet and very cold April, the dragon fly season of 2016 has finally started.
Today I went out to my favorite location at Rands Fjord, hoping to find some newly emerged Pyrrhosoma nymphula. I did not need to search long before…