Photographing Sympetrum sanguineum

Autumn has arrived and soon this years dragonfly season will be over. When out dragonfly hunting the most frequent encounters are now hawkers like Aeshna cyanea, Aeshna grandis and Aeshna mixta and darters like Sympetrum vulgatum, Sympetrum…

More Photos of Ophiogomphus cecilia

Had another trip to Resenbro at Gudenåen to photograph Ophiogomphus cecilia. Like last time, I quickly spotted several Ophiogomphus cecilia flying around but this time they behaved differently. Instead of perching on the vegetation next…

Photographing Ophiogomphus cecilia

Late summer has been really good in Denmark this year with many warm and sunny days. Last week I took advantage of this and drove to a for me familiar location, but one I haven't visited for several years. It's right next to the river Gudenåen…

Photos of new species added to the gallery

There are still several dragonfly species which I have not been able to photograph yet, either because they are very rare in Denmark or because their habitats are located far from where I normally go dragonfly hunting. This week, I decided…

More Photos of Aeshna grandis

It's late summer and soon autumn will arrive which can also be seen by which species of dragonflies are most abundant right now: Darters like Sympetrum sanguineum, Sympetrum striolatum and Sympetrum vulgatum, and hawkers like Aeshna cyanea,…

Photographing Aeshna grandis

This time of year Aeshna grandis is very abundant and can be seen gliding down forest glades or patrolling over gravel roads, paths and lakes. Even though it is a common species here in Denmark I actually don't have that many photos of it,…

Photographing Aeshna isoceles – Once Again

This weekend I was once again out in the nice summer weather photographing Aeshna isoceles. It's a waiting game photographing this dragonfly as it spends most of the time flying around hunting for insects and chasing off other dragonflies.…

More Photos of Aeshna isoceles and Somatochlora metallica Added

I paid yet another visit to Sebberup, this time in the late afternoon driving home from work. Sun was shining but it was also quite windy, so I found a good calm spot next to one of the lakes and waited patiently with my camera. A handful…

Photos of Aeshna isoceles Added

On my recent dragonfly photo trips to Sebberup and Old Rye I have been lucky to get several good photos of Aeshna isoceles, which have now been added to the gallery. Seems like this species has become more and more common here in Denmark…

New Photos of Somatochlora metallica Added

This weekend I visited one of my favorite local dragonfly locations Sebberup once again. Another warm and relatively sunny day but also quite windy. Amongst many other species I was fortunate to come across Somatochlora metallica which I…