More Photos of Cordulia aenea Added

I have just added new photos of the Cordulia aenea to the gallery. This species is very abundant this time of year and most are still immature adults that haven't fully gained their distinctive colors yet, especially when it comes to the eyes…

New Photos of Libellula quadrimaculata Added

The last couple of weeks I have been visiting the location of Sebberup regularly whenever time and weather allowed it. After Cordulia aenea emerged in large numbers the same happened with Libellula quadrimaculata a week or two later. I…

Emergence of Cordulia aenea

I took advantage of a beautiful warm and sunny spring Sunday and drove to the lakes at Sebberup. Turned out I was not the only one making good use of the nice weather. At one of the lakes several Cordulia aenea were emerging, making the transition…

First Damselflies of 2022

Weather has been quite good this April so I have just been waiting for the first dragonflies to emerge. I visited one of my favorite locations yesterday but with no luck, so tried another location today and this time with more success. Here…

Photos of Orthetrum coerulescens added

The location where I photographed the Cordulegaster boltonii is also a habitat of the in Denmark relatively rare Orthetrum coerulescens. There were quite a few of them, especially males each aggressively defending their own little territory.…

New Photos of Cordulegaster Boltonii Added

It has been several years since I last photographed the large and beautifully colored Cordulegaster boltonii. So, this weekend I decided to take a trip to one of its few habitats here in Denmark. At this location there is  a small stream with…

New Website Layout

The layout and general look and feel of has been updated to be more modern and suitable for mobile devices. The original website layout was getting pretty old so many things have happened since then. The update is not fully complete…

Dragonflies at Sebberup

As the weather finally has become warmer (a lot warmer actually) the abundance of dragonflies has also increased rapidly the last weeks. I have been visiting the location Sebberup several times lately. It consists of several small lakes surrounded…

Dragonfly Season 2021 Has Started

The dragonfly season of 2021 started very late here in Denmark due to low temperatures and really bad spring weather. But better late than never I had the first few encounters with Pyrrhosoma nymphula, Cordulia aenea and Brachytron pratense…

Another Visit to Sebberup

Around three days after my first visit to Sebberup this year, I went by there again to see if more dragonflies had emerged. This time there were a lot more Pyrrhosoma nymphula and Cordulia aenea. I also spotted a few Coenagrion pulchellum. Especially…