Visit to Jenskær
About a week ago I took advantage of one of the few days this season with real summer weather and visited the location Jenskær. This is a very beautiful place, just south of the city of Silkeborg, with both a lake, a small spring and a stream, all surrounded by forested hills.
The main attraction here, when it comes to dragonflies, is the Cordulegaster boltoni, which can be seen flying low over the stream and resting in the vegetation nearby. I have visited Jenskær a couple of times every season for several years now, and been lucky to see and photograph the Cordulegaster boltoni almost every time. It is a very large and beautiful dragonfly, easy recognizable by its black-and-yellow body pattern and the green eyes.
Another rare species present at this location is the Orthetrum coerulescens. I spotted it there some years ago but have not seen it since. That is until my latest visit, where I was lucky to see and photograph one male specimen.
New photos of both species have been added to the gallery.