
Attractive and often local, this small darter is the only dragonfly with conspicuously banded wings in most of our area. Its habitat is difficult to specify. Perhaps the apparent peculiarity is a side-effect of the species’ pioneering strategy. Succession of vegetation may favour competitors.


Total: 28-35 mm.
Abdomen: 18-24 mm.
Hindwing: 21-28 mm.


Appears to be selective, but its preferences are not fully understood. Often said to favour hilly areas, perhaps because of associated seepage. In the west, inhabits slow-flowing waters with a fair amount of vegetation, such as grassy drainage ditches and irrigation channels. Also breeds in still waters, such as pools in quarries and inundation zones. Sites are often shallow and sunny, with developing but not too dense vegetation.

Flight Season

From mid July to September.

Range and Status

Rare in Denmark.