May and June 2023 – Some Great Dragonfly Months
May and June 2023 have passed and they stand out as exceptional warm and sunny months with many great dragonfly photography trips.
I have mostly spent time at my local dragonfly spot Sebberup but also visited a few other locations. Because of the great weather many of the early dragonfly species have been very abundant this year, like Cordulia aenea and especially Libellula quadrimaculata which is still present in large numbers.
End May Aeshna isoceles also started to show in larger numbers and mid June I was a little surprised to see so many Libellula fulva. Lately Orthetrum cancellatum has also become quite abundant and the same goes for Anax imperator whereas it seems like there have been somewhat fewer Libellula depressa and Gomphus vulgatissimus this season than normal.
Many new photos have been added to the gallery and I hope the weather will soon again become better (July has started out really bad) so that I can get out there and photograph some of the mid- and late-season dragonfly species that are starting to show.