A rather small, dark and exclusive Somatochlora of bogs. Often occurs with the similar Somatochlora alpestris in boreal and alpine areas, but additionally survives in lowland bogs in-between. It seems less critical of climate but more of habitat, the reverse of Somatochlora alpestris, having a larger but more fragmented range. Indeed, it is seldom common and often under threat where it occurs.
Total: 45-51 mm.
Abdomen: 30-37 mm.
Hindwing: 28-35 mm.
Breeds in tiny, wet depressions, which can hardly be classified as waterbodies, in raised bogs and mesotrophic lowland moors. Habitats are often surrounded by coniferous forests.
Flight Season
From mid June to mid September.
Range and Status
Rare in Denmark.