Photos of Four New Species Added

After almost an entire week of warm summer weather and several successful dragonfly photo expeditions, a lot of new photos have now been added to the site. During this week I managed to get some very good photographs of four new species:…

All Known Danish Odonata Species Now Added

All the 54 odonata species known to be living in Denmark, or at least been sighted here, have now been added to the website. However this does not mean that I have photographed them all yet. Actually 27 species are missing in my photo collection,…

New Species and Images Added

The species Orthetrum coerulescens and Orthetrum cancellatum have been added to the portfolio. More photos of the Cordulegaster boltoni have been added after a very successful dragonfly photo expedition to the area just south of the city…

Welcome to

Welcome to this new website, which I have created to share my interest in photographing dragonflies and damselflies. The site is still under construction, so a lot of content will be added over the next weeks and months.