Entries by Jesper Johnsen

May and June 2023 – Some Great Dragonfly Months

May and June 2023 have passed and they stand out as exceptional warm and sunny months with many great dragonfly photography trips. I have mostly spent time at my local dragonfly spot Sebberup but also visited a few other locations. Because of the great weather many of the early dragonfly species have been very abundant […]

All Sunny Days

The weather continues to be warm and sunny here in Denmark and three weeks have passed with no rain at all. So, it is getting pretty dry out there in nature, but still perfect conditions for dragonfly hunting, and I have taken every opportunity I have had to get out there with my camera. I […]

New Photos of Orthetrum coerulescens

A few days ago I visited a for me new location called Baldersbæk with the specific purpose to photograph the in Denmark relatively rare Orthetrum coerulescens and the more common Leucorrhinia dubia. I only spotted one Leucorrhinia dubia which I wasn’t able to photograph, but it turned out that Orthetrum coerulescens was actually quite abundant at this […]

A Visit to Ryebro

The weather has been very sunny and dry for several weeks now here in Denmark and it looks like it will stay so for a while. Perfect conditions for dragonfly hunting, so I took a day off from work, grabbed my camera and drove to Ryebro. This is a beautiful location I visit every year […]

Another Visit to Sebberup

Another warm and sunny May weekend meant another visit to the lakes at Sebberup. Compared to just a week earlier Cordulia aenea had become even more abundant. They were everywhere, many of them resting in the vegetation. Also Libellula quadrimaculata was quite numerous and I expect even more will emerge in the coming days. I […]

Start of Dragonfly Season 2023

This weekend I had the chance to go out dragonfly hunting for the first time this season and went by Sebberup, a location I know very well. Spring has been quite sunny and cold, but during the first weeks of May it has finally got warmer. Turned out this season was already well under way […]