Lestes viridis at My Favorite Dragonfly Location
Yesterday late afternoon I drove by my favorite dragonfly location at Rands Fjord. The weather was beautiful and I expected to see species like Aeshna cyanea, Aeshna grandis, Aeshna mixta and different members of the Sympetrum genus, which are…

New Photos of Lestes sponsa Added
The males of the two species Lestes dryas and Lestes sponsa look very much alike. Therefore I find it a bit difficult to distinguishing the two in the field, and it is not until I look at the photos I am able to clearly identify the species.

New Photos of Aeshna viridis Added
Not so long ago, I discovered that there actually is a lake very close to where I live, which is the habitat of the relatively rare species Aeshna viridis. So during the past week I have visited this location almost everyday on my way home from…

Gallery Updated With New Photos of Anax imperator
While hunting for Aeshna viridis at a local lake, I had the opportunity to shoot some photos of the Anax imperator. One of the specimens where missing a wing completely but it did not seem to have much impact on its flying abilities.

Photos of New Species Added to the Gallery
It does not happen often anymore that I am adding photos of a new species to the gallery. Not because I already have photographed all the Danish species of Odonata. Actually, out of the 69 species listed here on Odonata.dk there are still 29…

New Photos of Sympetrum flaveolum
For a long time I have only had one not very good photo of the Sympetrum flaveolum. Even though it should be a relatively common species in Denmark, I have not spotted it at any of the locations I have visited during the last 2 to 3 years.

Visit to Jenskær
About a week ago I took advantage of one of the few days this season with real summer weather and visited the location Jenskær. This is a very beautiful place, just south of the city of Silkeborg, with both a lake, a small spring and a stream,…

More Photos of Aeshna isoceles
A few days ago I was lucky to spot the Aeshna isoceles for the second time this year at my favorite location Rands Fjord.
I found it resting in the sun, clinging on to a small branch, and it did not seem to be camera shy at all. So I was able…

June Status of Dragonfly Season 2015
June 2015 is almost over so it is a good time for a short status.
One thing that has been almost entirely absent during the past month is true summer weather. Most of the time it has been cold, grey and rather windy.
This has also affected…

New Photos of Aeshna isoceles Added
The first, and up till now only time I have been able to photograph the Aeshna isoceles goes back a couple of seasons.
It is not an easy dragonfly to get within shooting range of. First of all it is not so common in my area of Denmark. Secondly…